PyVista Export: The Frustrating Truth About Multiline Texts
Image by Marlon -

PyVista Export: The Frustrating Truth About Multiline Texts

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Are you tired of losing your precious multiline texts when exporting your 3D visualization projects in PyVista? You’re not alone! Many users have fallen victim to this frustrating issue, only to find themselves searching for a solution that seems nowhere to be found. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of PyVista export and uncover the secrets to preserving those oh-so-important multiline texts.

What’s the Problem with PyVista Export?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the problem at hand. When you export your PyVista project to a file format like VTK, OBJ, or STL, you might notice that your carefully crafted multiline texts have vanished into thin air. This is because PyVista’s default export functionality doesn’t support multiline texts. But why, you ask? Well, it’s due to the way PyVista handles text rendering and the limitations of the file formats themselves.

Text Rendering in PyVista

In PyVista, text is rendered as a 3D object using the vtkFreeTypeRender class. This class is responsible for generating the 3D text geometry, which is then rendered in the 3D scene. When you add a text actor to your scene, PyVista creates a single 3D object for the entire text string. This means that multiline texts are treated as a single entity, making it difficult to preserve the individual lines during export.

The Workaround: Using a Single Line with Line Break Characters

One possible solution to this problem is to use a single line of text with line break characters. This approach might not be the most elegant, but it gets the job done. Here’s an example:

import pyvista as pv

# Create a sample text actor
text_actor = pv.Text2D('This is a sample\nmultiline text')

# Add the text actor to the plotter
plotter = pv.Plotter()

# Export the scene to VTK

In this example, we use the `\n` character to specify line breaks within the text string. While this works, it’s essential to note that not all file formats support line breaks in text strings. For instance, OBJ files tend to ignore line breaks, resulting in a single line of text.

The Better Solution: Using a Table of Text Actors

A more robust solution is to create a table of individual text actors, each representing a single line of text. This approach ensures that each line is preserved during export, and you can even control the formatting and alignment of individual lines. Here’s an example:

import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np

# Create a sample text table
text_table = [
    'This is the first line',
    'This is the second line',
    'And this is the third line'

# Create a list to store the text actors
text_actors = []

# Iterate over the text table and create individual text actors
for i, line in enumerate(text_table):
    text_actor = pv.Text2D(line)
    text_actor.SetPosition(0, i * 0.1)  # Adjust the y-position for each line

# Add the text actors to the plotter
plotter = pv.Plotter()
for actor in text_actors:

# Export the scene to VTK

In this example, we create a table of individual text strings and then iterate over the table to create a separate text actor for each line. We adjust the y-position of each text actor to create a vertical stack of lines. This approach ensures that each line is preserved during export, and you can even customize the formatting and alignment of individual lines.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

When working with multiline texts in PyVista, it’s essential to be aware of some common pitfalls and know how to troubleshoot them:

  • File format limitations**: Not all file formats support multiline texts or line breaks. Be sure to check the documentation for your chosen file format to ensure it supports the features you need.

  • Text rendering issues**: If you’re experiencing issues with text rendering, try adjusting the text size, font, or rendering parameters to see if it resolves the problem.

  • Export options**: Make sure you’re using the correct export options for your chosen file format. Some formats might require specific options or settings to preserve multiline texts.

  • Text actor overlap**: When using the table of text actors approach, be careful not to overlap the individual text actors. Use the `SetPosition` method to adjust the position of each text actor to avoid overlap.


PyVista’s default export functionality might not preserve multiline texts, but with a little creativity and the right approach, you can overcome this limitation. By using a single line with line break characters or creating a table of individual text actors, you can ensure that your precious multiline texts are preserved during export. Remember to be mindful of file format limitations, text rendering issues, and export options to avoid common pitfalls. With practice and patience, you’ll be creating stunning 3D visualizations with multiline texts in no time!

Preferred Approach Pros Cons
Single Line with Line Break Characters Easy to implement, quick solution Not suitable for all file formats, limited control over formatting
Table of Individual Text Actors Flexibility in formatting and alignment, supports most file formats Requires more code and effort, can be tedious for large text tables

Now that you’ve mastered the art of preserving multiline texts in PyVista, go forth and create stunning 3D visualizations that communicate your ideas with clarity and precision!

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about PyVista and 3D visualization, be sure to check out the following resources:

  1. PyVista Documentation

  2. VTK Documentation

  3. Matplotlib Documentation

Happy visualizing!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with PyVista’s export feature preserving multiline texts? We’ve got you covered!

Why doesn’t PyVista export preserve multiline texts?

PyVista’s export feature uses VTK’s built-in export functionality, which doesn’t support multiline texts. This is a known limitation in VTK and PyVista inherit this behavior.

Is there a workaround to preserve multiline texts?

Yes, you can use a workaround by converting your multiline text into a single line with newline characters (‘\n’) replaced by a special character (e.g., ‘[n”]’). Then, after exporting, replace the special character with newline characters again. It’s a bit hacky, but it gets the job done!

Will this issue be fixed in future PyVista versions?

The PyVista team is aware of this issue and is working on improving the export functionality. However, since this is a limitation in VTK, it might take some time to resolve. Stay tuned for updates, and who knows, maybe one day we’ll have seamless multiline text exporting!

Can I contribute to PyVista to help fix this issue?

Absolutely! PyVista is an open-source project, and contributions are always welcome. If you have experience with VTK and Python, you can help fix this issue or even improve other aspects of PyVista. Just head over to our GitHub page and start contributing!

Are there any alternative libraries that support multiline text export?

Yes, some libraries like Matplotlib and Plotly support exporting multiline texts. However, keep in mind that each library has its own strengths and weaknesses. You might need to weigh the pros and cons of switching to a different library based on your specific use case.