Solving the Mysterious ObjectDisposedException: A Step-by-Step Guide to Second Mediator Call Fails in ASP.NET Core with Autofac
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Solving the Mysterious ObjectDisposedException: A Step-by-Step Guide to Second Mediator Call Fails in ASP.NET Core with Autofac

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Are you tired of facing the frustrating “Instances cannot be resolved as it has already been disposed” error in your ASP.NET Core application using Autofac? You’re not alone! This cryptic message has been the bane of many developers’ existence, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify this error and provide a clear, straightforward solution.

Understanding the Problem: What’s Causing the ObjectDisposedException?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing this error. The `ObjectDisposedException` is typically thrown when you try to access an object that has already been disposed of. In the context of ASP.NET Core and Autofac, this error usually occurs when the mediator (a.k.a. the message handler) is being called for the second time, and the instance has already been disposed of.

This issue can arise due to several reasons, including:

  • Incorrect lifetime scopes
  • Improper usage of services
  • incorrect registration of components

Diagnosing the Problem: Identifying the Culprit

To diagnose the problem, you need to identify the specific component or service that’s causing the `ObjectDisposedException`. Here are some steps to help you narrow down the issue:

1. **Enable logging**: Enable logging in your ASP.NET Core application to get more detailed error messages. You can do this by adding the following code in your `Startup.cs` file:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    // ...
    // ...

2. **Review the error message**: Take a closer look at the error message and identify the specific component or service that’s causing the exception. This will give you a hint about where to start debugging.

3. **Use a debugger**: Attach a debugger to your application and set a breakpoint at the point where the exception is thrown. This will help you understand the call stack and identify the root cause of the issue.

Solving the Problem: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s move on to the solution. To fix the `ObjectDisposedException` in your ASP.NET Core application using Autofac, follow these steps:

Step 1: Review Your Lifetime Scopes

One of the most common causes of the `ObjectDisposedException` is incorrect lifetime scopes. In Autofac, you can define the lifetime scope of a component using the `InstancePerDependency`, `SingleInstance`, or `InstancePerLifetimeScope` options.

Ensure that you’re using the correct lifetime scope for your components. For example, if you’re using a mediator, you may want to use the `InstancePerLifetimeScope` option to ensure that a new instance is created for each request:


Step 2: Check Your Service Registration

Another common issue is incorrect registration of services. Make sure that you’re registering your services correctly in your Autofac module:

public class AutofacModule : Module
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)

Step 3: Use a Scoped Mediator

If you’re using a mediator, consider using a scoped mediator to ensure that a new instance is created for each request:

public class MyMediator : IMediator
    private readonly ILifetimeScope _lifetimeScope;

    public MyMediator(ILifetimeScope lifetimeScope)
        _lifetimeScope = lifetimeScope;

    public async Task Handle(MyCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        using (var scope = _lifetimeScope.BeginLifetimeScope())
            // Create a new instance of the handler
            var handler = scope.Resolve<MyCommandHandler>();

            // Call the handler
            await handler.Handle(command, cancellationToken);

Step 4: Review Your Component Disposal

Finally, review your component disposal logic to ensure that you’re not accidentally disposing of instances that are still in use. Make sure to dispose of instances correctly using the `IDisposable` interface:

public class MyComponent : IDisposable
    public void Dispose()
        // Dispose of any resources here

Best Practices for Avoiding ObjectDisposedExceptions

To avoid `ObjectDisposedExceptions` in your ASP.NET Core application using Autofac, follow these best practices:

1. **Use the correct lifetime scope**: Ensure that you’re using the correct lifetime scope for your components to avoid instances being disposed of prematurely.

2. **Register services correctly**: Register your services correctly in your Autofac module to avoid any issues with instance resolution.

3. **Use scoped mediators**: Use scoped mediators to ensure that a new instance is created for each request.

4. **Dispose of instances correctly**: Dispose of instances correctly using the `IDisposable` interface to avoid any resource leaks.


In conclusion, the `ObjectDisposedException` can be a frustrating error to deal with, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and fix the issue in your ASP.NET Core application using Autofac. Remember to review your lifetime scopes, check your service registration, use scoped mediators, and dispose of instances correctly to avoid any issues.

By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to building robust and reliable applications that avoid the `ObjectDisposedException` altogether.

Takeaway Description
Review lifetime scopes Ensure that you’re using the correct lifetime scope for your components to avoid instances being disposed of prematurely.
Check service registration Register your services correctly in your Autofac module to avoid any issues with instance resolution.
Use scoped mediators to ensure that a new instance is created for each request.
Dispose of instances correctly Dispose of instances correctly using the `IDisposable` interface to avoid any resource leaks.

We hope this article has been helpful in helping you solve the `ObjectDisposedException` in your ASP.NET Core application using Autofac. Happy coding!

Here are 5 FAQs about “Second Mediator Call Fails with ObjectDisposedException in ASP.NET Core Using Autofac: "Instances cannot be resolved as it has already been disposed"”:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Autofac in ASP.NET Core? We’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to resolve the “Instances cannot be resolved as it has already been disposed” error.

What is the ObjectDisposedException in Autofac?

The ObjectDisposedException is an error that occurs when Autofac tries to resolve an instance that has already been disposed. This happens when the lifetime scope of the instance is shorter than the request scope, causing Autofac to attempt to reuse a disposed instance.

Why does the second mediator call fail with ObjectDisposedException?

The second mediator call fails because Autofac disposes the instances after the first call, and then tries to reuse them for the second call, resulting in the ObjectDisposedException. This is due to the way Autofac manages the lifetime of instances.

How can I fix the ObjectDisposedException in Autofac?

To fix the ObjectDisposedException, you can use Autofac’s `InstancePerLifetimeScope` or `InstancePerRequest` lifetime scopes to ensure that a new instance is created for each request or lifetime scope. You can also use the `using` statement to ensure that the instance is disposed of properly.

Can I use a singleton instance to resolve the issue?

No, using a singleton instance is not recommended as it can lead to other issues, such as concurrency problems and performance issues. Instead, use the recommended lifetime scopes or instance management strategies to ensure proper instance creation and disposal.

How can I troubleshoot Autofac issues in ASP.NET Core?

To troubleshoot Autofac issues, enable diagnostic logging, use the Autofac diagnostic package, and inspect the Autofac container’s configuration and instance creation process. You can also use tools like Visual Studio’s Diagnostic Tools or third-party logging libraries to help identify the issue.

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